Career at Marvesa

Marvesa is a family business! Wait, it's not? That's strange, because that is what it feels like. One team, with one task. Close-knit, cosy, driven and committed. A great club!

Because Marvesa has such a broad orientation, we are always looking for motivated new colleagues with specific skills. Whether you are an experienced driver, a renowned salesman or a starting nutritionist fresh out of university, we look forward to receiving your application!

Job Openings

Job Opening

ISCC Executive (QA department)

As a growing organization, extending our business to new markets, we are searching for a highly motivated individual interested in developing their knowledge in Renewable Energy Directive (RED) II and III, and the certifications systems acknowledged under these legislations. The role gives you the opportunity to actively contribute to improving the Quality Management System.

The role is positioned at the Quality desk but has a strong link with daily trade and operations for Marvesa Energy and Biomass and Marvesa Biogas Feedstock. The role requires you to fulfil operational needs in combination with supporting the Trading unit with your knowledge and research on the topic of renewables. The main focus of the job will be building, developing and keeping a structured mass balancing system, approving and issuing all related documents, and to strengthen the data integrity. A significant part of the job concerns communication with our international supplier and customer base.

To elevate your expertise, opportunities to attend our branch organization’s working group, follow trainings and visit conferences can be provided.

Find the detailed job description by clicking this link