Services - Feed

What is "fat"?
“Oils and fats” come in many different shapes and sizes, with various physical properties. The first distinction can be made by the term “oil” or “fat”, where in general everything that is liquid at room temperature is deemed as an “oil” while everything that is solid at room temperature is called a “fat”. Building blocks of oils and fats are fatty acids, which consist of a chain of carbon atoms with a carboxyl group (-COOH) at the end. The amount of carbon atoms (chain length) can vary greatly, which determines the physical characteristics of the fatty acid. Furthermore, a fatty acid chain can be saturated (C18:0), mono-unsaturated (C18:1) or poly-unsaturated (C18:2, C18:3), whereby a distinction is made on the number of double bounds (C=C) in the fatty acid chain. The amount of double bounds also greatly impacts the physical characteristics of the fatty acid chain and the digestibility.
Generally the term oil or fat refers to the triglyceride form of these fatty acids, which means that three fatty acids are bound together to a glycerol molecule. A more broad term that is widely used is “lipids”, which next to triglycerides also includes forms such as mono- and di-glycerides, sterols, phospholipids (lecithins) and waxes, among others.

Fats in animal feed
Oils and fats are crucial components for rearing healthy animals. Firstly they are an excellent energy source, as they contain roughly 2.3 times as much energy compared to carbohydrates. This high energy density is beneficial for feed formulation as it frees up space in the pellet for other compounds. Considering pellet manufacturing, lipids also assist in the binding of pellets and decreases dust formation during the process. Moreover, essential fatty acids are required in feed formulation as they are crucial for bodily functions and they can not be synthesized by the animal itself. Next to this, also many vitamins (A, D, E, K) are fat soluble.
Our fat products
We supply a plethora of lipid products, from crude oils to advanced blends. Interested in finding the perfect fat source for your situation? You can click on the button on the right hand side to discover our different products, or directly contact us for more information