Energy Blends
Marvesa Energy blends
Vegetable oils and fats are important ingredients in animal feed. They play an important role in feeding because they increase the energy density of the feed; fats contain 2.3 times more energy than carbohydrates. Fats have a protective function, are carriers for fat-soluble vitamins, they increase the palatability of the feed and bind the dust in feed. Marvesa has developed Energy products, which are high energy, standardised dietary fat products, based on pure vegetable oils and fatty acids. The fatty acid composition is important for optimal growth and carcass quality. Energy products are optimised on the fatty acid composition, where the linoleic content (C18:2) is leading. The level of C18:2 can vary from 10 – 40% in the various Energy products, depending on the application for pigs, poultry or ruminants.
Linoleic acid
Polyunsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid, among others, are essential fatty acids. These fatty acids can not be synthesized by the animal itself and therefore have to be supplied in the feed. Linoleic acid is a precursor to long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are vital to immune regulation and functioning of the nervous system.
Your Energy blend
Energy blends can be formulated on varying levels of linoleic acid and free fatty acids. Feel free to contact us by phone +31(0)857609440 or email nutrition@marvesa.com if you would like to explore which Energy blend suits your situation best.
Contains essential fatty acids
High energy density
Increases palatability of the feed
Binds dust during feed manufacturing