Services - Energy & Biomass

Waste reduction
Marvesa aims to contribute to increasing the sustainability of the sector through our Energy & Biomass entity. Oil & fat products can be unsuitable for food and feed purposes due to various reasons, however still contain a lot of value for other sectors. Products such as used cooking oil (UCO), contaminated soapstock acid oil and fatty acid methyl esters (FAME)-end residues still contain useable energy. Through Marvesa Energy & Biomass we offer sustainable solutions to ensure by products from our sector are not gone to waste.

Bio industry
Our products can be distinguished as being “lower caloric” and “higher caloric”, which determines their usefulness for various end uses. These feedstocks can be used for the production of biogas, sustainable aviation fuel, district heating among others.
Our products
Interested in what we can do for you? Contact us directly over here.