Marvesa has developed different products in the Lecifeed® range as effective fat products with additional nutritional benefits. These products are particular combinations of ingredients based on vegetable lecithins, oils and fatty acids. We consider these products as high quality products due to the high percentage of lecithin. Lecithins are substances similar to fat with a vitamin-like character.
Lecithin is a natural source of important building blocks such as (highly digestible) phosphorous, choline, inositol and vitamin E. Marvesa conducted several trials with various lecithin-based products, with soybean oil as the control group. These trials have shown that our lecithin blends serve as an excellent source of energy, with additional benefits on total fat digestibility. In addition, phospholipids from lecithin act as an emulsifier by aiding in micelle formation. This increases the digestibility of fatty acids in the small intestine, thereby increasing the amount of energy that can be utilized from the fat source.
Your LECIFEED® blend
Marvesa strongly believes in the additional benefits of lecithin and therefore we offer multiple variations of Lecifeed® to suit the needs of our customers. Next to our Lecifeed® Classic GMO we also offer a NON-GMO alternative, specific aquaculture blends, or a Lecifeed® that is as liquid as soybean oil. Feel free to contact us by phone +31(0)857609440 or email nutrition@marvesa.com if you would like to explore which Lecifeed® blend suits your situation best.
Highly digestible energy
Natural supply of choline, inositol and phosphorous
Natural source of vitamin E
Acts as an emulsifier, enhancing fat digestibility
Prevents dust formation during feed manufacturing
Increases palatability of the feed